From our lab to your hands!

Our technical roots are strong! We started out as part of the cutting edge Bioinspired Robotics and Design Lab at UC San Diego, working on pneumatic soft robots. Our work gained a lot of traction, and we wanted to find more ways to apply our developed technology.

We did a lot of learning in this process and had a lot of fun doing it, and in doing so we realized the perfect application: educational toys! Soft robotics applies engineering principles in nontraditional ways making you think outside the box. It's also squishy and fun to play with, making it great for kids!

Patents and IP

We think what we are doing is pretty cool, and we want to ensure that we can keep doing it. We currently have the following provisional patent filed with more cool inventions on the way!


Science Robotics

Our paper Electronics-free pneumatic circuits for controlling soft-legged robots was published as the cover feature for the February 2021 issue of Science Robotics. In this paper we discuss the development of some of our technology, and the work we have done.

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The article Pneumatic soft robots take a step toward autonomy by A. Rajappan et al. was released as a commentary on how our work has impacted the field.

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UCSD Jacobs School News

Press release about our paper from UC San Diego News Center in which our robot is dubbed the "Airwalker". The article gives an overview of how it works and describes some of our inspiration.

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Article from TechXplore describing how bioinspired concepts are translated into robotic movements. Our robot walks like a turtle.

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This video from one of our favorite creators Veritasium talks about the benefits of soft robotics and features our work!

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